
Cognizant Flipper
Inspired by the Rorschach test and Terry Davis's 'God Phrases', this Flipper Zero application displays random words from a word bank on the device.
FlipLinks - Flipper Zero [WIP]
Work-in-progress application for the Flipper Zero. Users can specify their social links and then transmit the selected signal using the Flipper's NFC capability.
Pocket E-Reader [WIP]
ePaper display mounted on a Raspberry Pi Zero. This work-in-progress project takes PDF documents from the micro SD card and formats the text to fit the display accordingly.
LukeHub - YouTube Recreation [WIP]
Recreation of the YouTube video platform. This work-in-progress project models after the YouTube platform. It won't be as polished, but it will serve as proof of my computational abilities.
This Website
Although web development isn’t my career's top priority, I still find enjoyment in the creative side of programming. This website showcases my skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the Three JS library.
Dual Time Zone GPS Clock
A Christmas gift for my father,
This Arduino GPS-based clock picks up the current time and date from GPS radio signals. It then displays the current GMT time and converts it to the time zone where the clock is located, displaying that time as well.